Privacy Policy

My Messages for Windows 10

"My Messages" is an application that allows the User to store message template end easily reuse them by sharing or copiying.

A User is a person who excecutes 'My Messages'. Any entity or process that executes 'My Messages' is also called User.

"Personal Data"
'My Messages' application does not require the User to type any personal information.

"User Data"
All data, that is added to 'My Messages' by the User using 'My Messages' Functionality is called User Data. User Data can be stored locally on the device upon User's choice. User Data may contain personally identfiable information. The User is responsible for all User Data and its usage. My Messages' allows the User to delete User Data anytime.

"Shared Data"
'My Messages' gives the User the ability to share User Data for post processing to other applications and services. User Data that is used outside of 'My Messages' but arising from 'My Messages' is called Shared Data. The User is responsible for all Shared Data and its usage.

Disclaimer: This policy targets on 'My Messages' only. All linked apps and services are excluded and their policies need to be checked by the User separately. I, the developer of 'My Messages', will not take any responsabilities for the User Data and Shared Data nor how these data is used.

This policy can be modified anytime. Changes will be mentioned in the 'My Messages' changelog.